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Our team of Expert Usability Testers helps in revealing design issues at early stages – preventing wastage of time and user frustration

First Click Test

Verifying that the first click a user makes on an interface to carry out a given task is clear and easy.

Design Surveys

We put an end to all the internal debates by taking queries to your users. We design,distribute and collect samples by asking your users the questions that validate theirassumption.

Preference Test

We measure users’ affinity and sentiment to fine-tune your visual assets, branding, andmarketing copy.

Five Seconds Test

We step into your users’ shoes to see what they see in the first five seconds of theirinteraction with your software and retune what they experience.

Process That We Follow to Ensure Your Software is Ready for a Million Users

1.Analysis of your Target Audience

2. Analysis of the Road Taken by Your Website and
Mobile App Visitors

3. Identification of the Barriers

4. Competitor Analysis, USP creation and Heatmap

5. Work on the Improvements

6. Creation of Recommendation

The Toolset That We Rely On to Alter Your User Experience

Lucky orange

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